Thursday, June 28, 2012


Time to relax and enjoy the sun, right?  Well ... yes...but, we're working, too. (Idleness is the devil's workshop, you know!) This week our writers and staff are getting organized for issue #2 of The Voice of Valor.  Since it is scheduled for publishing in September, our theme will be related to education.  Some interesting topics are in store, and you'll find a new feature, too!  

Any readers with thoughts about the first issue they'd like to share, or questions and comments for the editor, feel free to send them in.  The CONTACT US link provides information on how to contact us electronically, or through the postal service.  We'd love to have your input!

In the meantime, enjoy your summer, and watch for our new issue in September!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Recently a reader suggested that we consider an article on debt, in a future edition of The Voice of Valor.  We thought that was a great idea!  Money in general and debt in particular is definitely an area of concern in our day. The suggestion made us want to ask if there are other topics readers think would be relevant to young Catholic teens and adults, and which you might like to see discussed in our magazine.  If you've got ideas, we'd love to hear them!  Leave a comment or send them to us via our contact link above.  Thanks!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


We've received so many great comments from many of you, regarding the premier issue of The Voice of Valor!  It's wonderful to have such positive support. Most comments have come via email, and so are not visible on the blog itself.  Hopefully more people will leave their input on the blog.

A little bit of trivia regarding the blog....
     1) It's been viewed over 400 times (most since the premier issue was posted)
     2) It's been read by people all over the world ... literally!  There have been visitors
           from the United States, Germany, Russia, France...even Malaysia and Japan!

Thanks to those who have ordered print subscriptions, also.  We're quite excited about that, and will get them out to you promptly.

The Voice of Valor staff has already begun planning for the next issue (due out Sept. 15, 2012). We have a bunch of great ideas and some new writers, too!   As before, we welcome submissions from young Catholics!  Use the CONTACT US link above if you'd like to be a part of this venture!

God bless you~

Friday, June 1, 2012

Premier Issue!

It's here!  We are delighted to announce that the first issue is now available for reading.  Click on the READ CURRENT ISSUE tab above and enjoy!  Please leave a comment to let us know what you think.  Thanks!

Those interested in obtaining a print copy may request one using the CONTACT US tab above.  Or, orders can be sent to:

Voice of Valor
P.O. Box 6324
Spokane, WA 99217-0906

$6 per copy, includes postage
Orders of 5 or more copies $5 each