Saturday, September 29, 2012


Nope ... that's not a history date (at least not one we know!) or the answer to a math question!  It's the number of views we've had on this blog.  We're pretty  excited about thanks to all of you who are following our efforts and progress.  The number of responses to our Christmas survey is growing, too.  If you haven't taken it (only 4 questions!) please do ... click here!

Soon we hope to have a PayPal account set up and ready for ordering print copies online ... saving time from mailing a check to our P.O. address.  We'll keep you posted on that.

In the meantime, we're looking forward to your submissions of stories, poems, articles, and artwork for our December issue!  Send them to us at:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Here's the rest

MAXIMUS ET MINIMUS -- In this column we present fun recipes and craft projects for readers with a creative interest!

TOTIDIEM VERBIS ---This section includes various lists of terms, phrases and trivia, connected to the theme.  There are Catholic vocabulary words, fun Latin words and phrases, and interesting trivia. 

ASK FATHER/SISTER SAYS --This column is a chance for readers to submit questions on faith or morals, which are then answered by a priest or a religious Sister.

YOUNG AUTHORS TODAY– These are articles, stories or poems submitted by writers from around the country.  They may or may not relate to the issue’s theme.  It is an attempt to encourage young writers and poets to develop their talent and share their great ideas.   Authors are encouraged to submit artwork or images to accompany their writing.

ARTWORK – Visual images are an important part of a magazine!  We are interested in showcasing original work (sketches, paintings, etc.) of young artists, as well as in finding people willing to draw/illustrate various articles or stories  in the magazine.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The List Continues...

Champions of Christ -- This section gives brief biographies of various saints, connecting some aspect of their history to the particular issue's theme.  They are role models upon which to build our own lives.  Each bio ends with a brief invocation to the saint. 

Saintly Critic – This column offers the opportunity to promote good literature or other forms of media.  It is an enticing introduction and promotion of a particular book, movie, etc.  Not intended to “give away” the storyline, the article is rather aimed at convincing readers to go out and see or read the movie or book.  The chosen item may or may not relate to the issue’s theme, and may be a Catholic story/movie or secular.

Tolle Lege  – Take and Read – This column includes reprints of forgotten Catholic authors and poets.  Like the Saintly Critic column, it is an attempt to promote good literature of the past to readers of today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Continuing the list...

Three more columns of our magazine are summarized as follows:

Know Thyself  - This column is meant to deal with lighter issues connected to the issue theme.  It may include quizzes or self tests, or some other interactive element; it is a way to involve the reader and help him/her to better understand human nature. 

Ramparts of Fortitude-apologetics/defending the faith – This column provides answers to often-asked questions or criticisms of the Faith.  It is a support to help provide readers with the knowledge to defend what they believe, and to share the Faith with others.  The format is meant to be primarily question and answer.

Armor of Faith -sacramentals- In this column, readers learn about various sacramental which can serve as spiritual armor in our daily battle of good against evil.    The history of the sacramental, indulgences attached, proper use, etc. are discussed.   Whenever possible, the chosen sacramental might relate to the theme of the current magazine issue.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

We've got a plan!

With the publication of our second issue, we're pretty sure that we've got a workable plan for the magazine's format.  It seemed like a good idea to share that with you, especially with readers who might be inclined to write or draw for The Voice of Valor.  Over the next few days we'll explain our goals for the various magazine columns in a series of posts.  And, we'll also keep the full list (as it grows) on a separate page, accessible from the link above in the menu bar.  That way you can refer to it whenever you'd like!

For starters, we should mention that each issue centers around some particular theme.  In the premier issue, the theme was about life being a battle, which is also the underlying theme of the entire magazine, and reflected in the title, The Voice of Valor.  September's theme was education.  December's theme will be the Christmas season (from Advent through Epiphany). 

Now, within the overall theme for each issue, the various columns have their own focus.  Here are descriptions of the three main columns:

FEATURE - the feature story is the theme-setting, definitive article in each issue.  This the "backgone," so to speak, of the magazine.  An all encompassing article, reflective in nature, espressing the overall theme of the current issue, giving examples and insights.  Ideally we hope to keep some connection -- however slight -- with the "life is a battle" idea behind The Voice of Valor.

VOX POPULI -- The Voice of the People -- this column takes a look at current events or world issues (political or moral in nature) and presents them in a Catholic light.  The goal is to relate the issue to life, to show how it affects young people today, and to point out what they can do about it.  It encourages action or involvement, engagement of the issue at hand, and a hope of changing the world.

MARY'S MILITIA -- This column is about personal virtue.  It addresses what it means to be a young Catholic in the world today from the persepctive of the Church Militant, battling to preserve integrity in an immoral world.

Watch for descriptions of other columns to come in future posts!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What do you think?

By now, you've had a chance to read our second issue with it's new writers and a few new features.  We'd love to hear what you think!  Use the CONTACT US link to send us a note or leave a comment.  Feedback can be anonymous and will help us make The Voice of Valor better each issue!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Take our survey~

In our recent issue, we told you we were planning a survey for the Christmas issue.  Well, it's up and ready!  

Click HERE and answer the 4 short questions.  We'll share the results in December.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Check it out!

The new issue is online!  
Click on the READ CURRENT ISSUE tab above.  

Or, if you prefer to read a print copy, send your request along with $6.00 to:

Voice of Valor Magazine
P.O. Box 6324
Spokane, WA 99217-0906

Monday, September 3, 2012

Almost Here!

Our second issue goes to press today!  

We should have the online version available by Sept. 5th as promised. 

Use the CONTACT US tab above for the mailing address if you wish to order a print copy!  ($6 per copy, includes postage)

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Do you draw?  As our second issue goes to print, (you'll see it here in just 4 days!) we have been thinking about the importance of images in our world.  For our December issue especially, we would love to have some original artwork to share in the magazine.  If you have sketches, paintings or illustrations related to the wonderful season of Advent/Christmas/Epiphany/winter, please consider sharing them with our readers!  You can email digital images to us using the CONTACT US link above.  Thanks!