As we were putting together the current issue, we just couldn't come up with a cover image. We were down to the wire ... it was literally time to print the proof reader's copy and we had no ideas! Just before printing, we put together a cover, and sent the magazine off. While our good proof readers were looking over the magazine, we took time for a photo shoot and came up with another cover. That's when the problems started ...
The proof readers LIKED the "last minute" cover design! And the photo shoot crew PREFERRED the new image. What to do? We took it to a vote...
Over the weekend we asked everyone we saw, and on Monday asked students at school. At the end of the day, the result was .... a tie! Exactly 21 votes per image! So ... we waited until Tuesday and asked 3 people we hadn't seen the day before.
Surprisingly, all 3 voted for the original cover image! And that was this one...

But since we had so much fun putting together the photo shoot, we thought we'd share what the 2nd one ... just so you see it.
And now we're just a little curious .... would you have made the same choice? Let us know! Send us an email at: