Monday, March 16, 2015

Just for Fun!

We had a little fun in our class a few days ago ... a little parody of the cover of our current issue.  Here it is:

And please ... don't forget to send us your input regarding the future of our magazine! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

We Need Some Input...

We sent the following questionnaire with our March issue.  However, we're posting it here as well, in order to reach out to as many of our readers as possible...

Dear readers,

We hope you have been enjoying the issues of The Voice of Valor we have published for the past three years!  We are proud to say that we have writers and readers from all around the country, and it truly is a labor of love by all involved. 

That being said, it is not easy for our small local staff to plan, organize, compile, and layout each issue of the magazine.  Consequently, we are facing a decision that is difficult to make.

The way we see it, there are three paths our magazine could take. We can just “bite the bullet” and somehow keep getting out the quarterly issues.  Or, we can reduce publication to two issues per year (likely June and December).  Or, we can be pleased with three successful years of publishing, and bring the magazine to a close with the June 2015 issue.

Because we want to be careful in choosing God’s will and not our own, we are asking our readers’ input in this decision.  Please respond with the answer that best describes your preference, and you will help to lead us down the right path! 

Submit your responses by email to no later than May 1st.

Which answer describes you best?

_____ Please don’t cease or decrease publication in any way!                                              I love The Voice of Valor and can’t live without it!

_____ I have enjoyed The Voice of Valor; if it only printed twice a year instead of
quarterly I wouldn’t mind at all!

_____ I have enjoyed reading The Voice of Valor while it lasted! It has been a
great run, but I understand if you need to halt production indefinitely.

Thank you so much for your input and participation.  May God’s will be done!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Issue Online!

We hope you enjoy our March issue ... as always, we appreciate your feedback and would love it if you let us know what you think!

Click here to read online: