Saturday, March 23, 2013

Approaching 3000!

That's right ... our page has had nearly 3000 views!  Thanks to all our readers and our authors and staff, too.  We're busy working on our anniversary issue, due in June.  Watch for our new survey coming soon, too!

In the meantime, in honor of Holy Week, and Palm Sunday in particular, we'll post this well-known poem of G.K. Chesterton:

The Donkey

When fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The devil's walking parody
On all four- footed things.

The tatter'd outlaw of the earth
Of ancient crooked will
Starve, scourge, deride me, I am dumb
I keep my secret still.

Fools! For I also had my hour;
One far fierce hour and sweet:
There was a shout about my ears,
And palms before my feet.

1 comment:

  1. Have a very Blessed Holy Week!
    May we all experience spiritual joy as we offer sacrifices in honor of Our dear Lord!
    "There is a vital objection to the advice to grin and bear it. The objection is that if you merely bear it, you do not grin."
    _G. K. Chesterton
